Cold Pressed Sesame Oil

Brand: Teli Oils

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Cold-pressed sesame oil is a flavorful and potentially health-conscious choice for your kitchen pantry. Here's a breakdown of its key characteristics:

    Processing: Unlike refined sesame oil, the cold-pressed version utilizes pressure without high heat. This gentle method preserves the oil's natural goodness:
        Rich, Nutty Flavor: Cold-pressed sesame oil boasts a distinctive nutty aroma and taste, perfect for enhancing various dishes.
        Nutrients: It may retain more vitamins and antioxidants compared to refined options due to minimal processing.

    Health Benefits (Potential):  Proponents of cold-pressed sesame oil highlight its potential health attributes:
        Antioxidant Properties: The oil is a good source of Vitamin E, a natural antioxidant that can help combat cell damage.
        Healthy Fats: It may contain beneficial fats, including monounsaturated fats and some polyunsaturated fats like omega-6s.

Country Of Origin : India

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    Culinary Applications:

            Drizzle or Dipping: The nutty flavor makes it ideal for drizzling over cooked vegetables, noodles, or even using as a dipping sauce.
            Salad Dressings: Add a touch of nutty depth to your salad dressings.
            Stir-Frying (Limited): While it has a moderate smoke point, use it cautiously for stir-frying due to its pronounced flavor.

    Things to Consider:

        Two Types: There are two main varieties of cold-pressed sesame oil: light and dark. Light sesame oil has a subtler taste, while dark sesame oil has a more robust, roasted flavor. Choose based on your preference and recipe.
        Smoke Point: While moderate, its smoke point is lower than some other oils. It's not ideal for high-heat cooking methods like deep frying.
        Storage: Store it in a cool, dark place to maintain freshness and prevent the oil from going rancid.

    Overall, cold-pressed sesame oil offers a unique nutty flavor and potential health benefits due to its processing method. It's a versatile choice for adding a delicious touch to various dishes, but keep its smoke point in mind for cooking applications.

    Additional information*

    Introduction to Cold Pressed Sesame Oil

    Cold-pressed sesame oil from Teli Oils is a premium culinary oil known for its exquisite aroma, rich flavor, and nutritional benefits. This oil is obtained through a mechanical pressing process that uses minimal heat, thereby preserving its natural qualities. It is a versatile addition to any kitchen pantry, adding depth and complexity to various dishes.

    Processing Method

    Cold-Pressed Technique

    The cold-pressed method is a traditional oil extraction technique that involves pressing sesame seeds at low temperatures. This allows the oil to retain its natural properties such as flavor, nutrients, and antioxidants. Unlike refined oils, which undergo extensive processing and heating, cold-pressed sesame oil maintains its purity and nutritional integrity.

    Nutritional Composition

    Vitamins and Antioxidants

    • Vitamin E: Cold-pressed sesame oil is a rich source of Vitamin E, a potent antioxidant that helps protect cells from oxidative damage. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

    • Vitamins B and D: In addition to Vitamin E, this oil contains small amounts of Vitamins B and D, which contribute to overall health and well-being.


    • Monounsaturated Fats: These healthy fats are known to support cardiovascular health by helping to reduce bad cholesterol levels.

    • Polyunsaturated Fats (Omega-6): These fats are essential for brain function and cell growth. However, they should be consumed in moderation to maintain a balanced diet.

    Potential Health Benefits

    Antioxidant Properties

    Cold-pressed sesame oil is celebrated for its high antioxidant content, primarily due to its Vitamin E concentration. Antioxidants play a crucial role in maintaining cellular health and reducing inflammation.

    Heart Health

    The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in this oil are beneficial for heart health. They help in lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol and raising HDL (good) cholesterol levels, which supports overall cardiovascular health.

    Culinary Applications

    Drizzling and Dipping

    • Vegetables: Drizzle over steamed or roasted vegetables to add a nutty flavor.

    • Noodles: Enhance the taste of Asian noodle dishes with a light drizzle.

    • Dipping Sauce: Mix with soy sauce and spices to create a flavorful dipping sauce for appetizers.

    Salad Dressings

    Cold-pressed sesame oil can elevate the flavor profile of your salad dressings, providing a nutty depth that complements fresh vegetables and greens.

    Moderate-Heat Cooking


    While cold-pressed sesame oil has a moderate smoke point, it can be used for light stir-frying. However, its robust flavor might be overwhelming for some dishes, so use it sparingly.

    Types of Cold-Pressed Sesame Oil

    Light Sesame Oil

    • Flavor Profile: Subtle and delicate, making it ideal for dishes where you want a hint of sesame without overpowering other flavors.

    • Uses: Best for salad dressings, drizzling, and dipping.

    Dark Sesame Oil

    • Flavor Profile: Rich, roasted, and robust. This variety offers a more intense sesame flavor.

    • Uses: Suitable for dishes that require a strong sesame taste, such as certain Asian sauces and marinades.

    Storage Instructions

    To maintain the freshness and quality of cold-pressed sesame oil, it should be stored in a cool, dark place. Exposure to light and heat can cause the oil to go rancid, affecting its flavor and nutritional value.


    Cold-pressed sesame oil from Teli Oils is a flavorful and health-conscious choice for any kitchen. Its nutty aroma, nutritional benefits, and versatility make it an essential ingredient for culinary enthusiasts. Whether you are drizzling it over a fresh salad, adding it to a dipping sauce, or using it cautiously in stir-fries, this oil offers a unique and delightful touch to your dishes.

    Understanding the key characteristics and applications of light and dark varieties will enable you to select the ideal type based on your culinary needs and preferences.

    Incorporate Teli Oils' cold-pressed sesame oil into your daily cooking to enjoy its rich flavors and potential health benefits.

    *Disclaimer: This additional description has been automatically generated and has not been audited or verified for accuracy. It is recommended to verify product details independently before making any purchasing decisions.
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