Katyayani Fast - Paclobutrazol 23% SC : Plant Growth Regulator Mango

Brand: Katyayani

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Increases Synchronized Flowering

 the use of FAST along with good cultural practices, can advance and stimulate the flowering in Mango & other Plants. It Increases Chlorophyll content.

Development of Better & Early Fruit

Thus Effects on Enhancing Fruit Quality : Better Color & Size of Fruit. Enhanced maturation and yield is also observed.

Controlling the Foliage Growth

It Helps in a balanced foliage and in the reduction of vegetative growth and pruning. It Helps in Developing Tolerance in Plants Against Various Environmental Stress. Paclobutrazol also helps in Creating Resistance against Fungal Diseases.

  • Product description

    HOW DOES FAST ( Paclobutrazol ) Act ?

    FAST contains paclobutrazol, a Phyto regulator, which acts inhibiting the synthesis of gibberellins, producing a decrease in vegetative growth. The benefit from the use of FAST manifests itself in a balanced foliage and in the reduction of vegetative growth and pruning. Eventually, effects on fruit quality (color, size, maturation and yield) can also be observed. In the cultivation of the mango, along with good cultural practices, the use of FAST can advance and stimulate the flowering. The absorption of FAST applied to the soil (more efficient) is done through the roots, being transported by the xylem to the points of vegetative growth.

    On Which Crops it can be Used ?

    This Plant Growth Regulator is Used For Mango , Onion , Carrot . Garlic , Groundnut , Cashew Nut , Potato , Soybean , Black gram , Peas , Green Gram ,. Chilly , Tomato , Cauliflower , Sponge Gourd , Brinjal & All Other Major Vegetable Crops.

    On Trees : Soil Drenching

    The absorption of FAST applied to the soil ( more efficient ) as a drench around tree trunk. it then gets transported by the xylem to the points of vegetative growth by the plant. It is Soon Applied after Harvesting in Older Trees.

    DOSAGE for Trees

    For trees 7 – 15 Year : 14 mL

    For trees16 - 25 Year : 19 mL.

    For trees more than 25 years age : 30 mL per tree is dissolved in water and apply to the root zones.

    Foliar Spray For all Crops

    For Vegetable Crops & Other Crops Foliar Spray is Recommended. Take Dose of is 5-8 ml Per 15 Liter Water and Spray.

    Additional information*

    Overview of Katyayani Fast - Paclobutrazol 23% SC

    Katyayani Fast, a plant growth regulator carrying 23% SC Paclobutrazol, has been formulated meticulously to support healthier and more productive cultivation. Specifically designed to cater to the needs of Mango and a variety of other plants, this product brings about synchronized flowering, better fruit development, controlled foliage growth, and an increased tolerance to environmental stresses.

    Paclobutrazol, the active ingredient in Katyayani Fast, is a potent phyto regulator that works by inhibiting gibberellin biosynthesis. This inhibition leads to various growth benefits such as reduced vegetative growth, enhanced flowering, improved fruit quality in terms of color and size, and increased maturation and yield.

    Key Features

    Increases Synchronized Flowering

    Katyayani Fast is adept at inducing synchronized flowering in Mango and other plant species when combined with good cultural practices. This synchronization is crucial for uniformity in fruit set and harvesting, leading to a more productive yield.

    • Improves Flowering Consistency: Ensures that flowering occurs uniformly across the plant.
    • Advances Flowering Time: Flowers are observed to bloom earlier.
    • Enhances Pollination Efficiency: Uniform flowering can lead to better pollination.

    Development of Better & Early Fruits

    Paclobutrazol in Katyayani Fast significantly improves the quality of fruits. Farmers have observed benefits in terms of both the aesthetic and nutritional aspects of the fruit.

    • Enhanced Fruit Color: Fruits exhibit richer and more uniform coloring.
    • Improved Fruit Size: Fruits tend to be larger and more robust.
    • Increased Yield: Overall yield is observed to be higher.
    • Early Maturation: Fruits mature earlier, potentially increasing the number of harvests.

    Controlling the Foliage Growth

    Reducing excessive vegetative growth through Paclobutrazol allows plants to focus more on fruit production. Katyayani Fast helps maintain a balanced canopy, thus reducing the need for frequent pruning.

    • Balanced Canopy Development: Maintains an optimal leaf-to-fruit ratio.
    • Reduced Vegetative Growth: Helps in managing plant height and foliage.
    • Less Frequent Pruning: Saves labor and cost by reducing the need for frequent cutting back of foliage.

    Increased Plant Resistance

    Katyayani Fast makes plants more tolerant to various environmental stresses and resistant to certain diseases, particularly fungal infections.

    • Environmental Stress Tolerance: Enhances the plant's ability to withstand harsh weather conditions.
    • Fungal Disease Resistance: Reduces incidences of fungal diseases.

    Mechanism of Action: How Katyayani Fast Works

    The primary mode of action of Paclobutrazol, the active ingredient in Katyayani Fast, involves the inhibition of the gibberellin biosynthesis pathway. Gibberellins are plant hormones that play a pivotal role in promoting cell elongation. By inhibiting these, Paclobutrazol leads to restrained vegetative growth and promotes reproductive growth instead.

    • Absorption: When applied to the soil, Paclobutrazol is absorbed by the roots.
    • Translocation: It is transported via the xylem to active points of vegetative growth.
    • Targeted Action: Results in more energy being directed towards flowering and fruiting.

    Applications and Recommended Dosage

    Katyayani Fast can be used on a wide range of crops. However, the application and dosage vary depending on the crop type and the plant's age.

    Application on Mango Trees

    • Soil Drenching: This method is more efficient for absorption. Here are the recommended dosages:
    • 7-15 years: 14 mL per tree
    • 16-25 years: 19 mL per tree
    • Over 25 years: 30 mL per tree

    Mix the specific dosage in water and apply around the root zones.

    Application on Vegetable and Other Crops (Foliar Spray)

    • Foliar Spray: Best suited for vegetable crops and other non-tree plants.
    • Recommended Dosage: 5-8 mL of Katyayani Fast per 15 liters of water.

    Target Crops for Katyayani Fast

    Katyayani Fast can be effectively used on: * Fruits and Nuts: Mango, Cashew Nut * Vegetables: Onion, Carrot, Garlic, Groundnut, Potato, Soybean, Black Gram, Peas, Green Gram, Chilly, Tomato, Cauliflower, Sponge Gourd, Brinjal * Other Crops: All other major vegetable crops

    Optimal Cultural Practices

    To maximize the benefits of Katyayani Fast, adapting good agricultural practices is essential. Recommendations include:

    • Soil Testing: Regular soil testing

    Katyayani FastPaclobutrazol 23% SCplant growth regulatormangomango tree growthfruit productionvegetative growthfloweringfruit sethigher yieldquality mangoesversatileeasy to applylong-lasting effectsbumper harvests
    *Disclaimer: This additional description has been automatically generated and has not been audited or verified for accuracy. It is recommended to verify product details independently before making any purchasing decisions.
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