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180 Kcal Energy 2.303 Total Fat 29.989 Gram Carbohydrates 5.29 Sugar 8.6 Gram Fiber 9.54 Gram Protein 243 Miligram Sodium 433 Miligram Potassium


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All types of Chickpeas(chana) available. Chickpeas contain a range of nutrients, including protein, which is necessary for bone, muscle, and skin health.

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Chhna Desi," also known as Chickpea or Garbanzo beans, is a highly versatile pulse used in various cuisines worldwide. Here's an overview: Key Attributes of Chhna Desi / Chickpea: Two Varieties: Chickpeas come in two main varieties: Desi and Kabuli. Desi chickpeas are smaller, darker, and have a rough coat compared to Kabuli chickpeas, which are larger, lighter in color, and have a smoother coat. Nutritional Profile: They are a good source of protein, dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins (such as folate and vitamin C), minerals (including iron, potassium, and magnesium), and antioxidants. Culinary Versatility: Chickpeas are incredibly versatile and are used in various dishes like hummus, salads, soups, stews, curries, and as a key ingredient in making falafel. They can be boiled, roasted, or ground into flour (besan) for cooking or baking. Texture and Flavor: When cooked, chickpeas have a nutty flavor and a slightly firm texture, making them suitable for both savory and sweet dishes. Digestibility: With their balanced nutritional content, chickpeas are considered highly digestible and offer various health benefits. Cultural Importance: Chickpeas hold cultural significance in Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Indian, and other cuisines globally. They are an essential part of many traditional dishes. Health Benefits: They contribute to heart health, aid in weight management, support digestion, and provide essential nutrients necessary for overall well-being. Chhna Desi or Chickpeas, with their nutritional richness, culinary adaptability, and cultural significance, are a highly valued pulse in global cuisines, providing both taste and nutritional benefits to a wide array of dishes.

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