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"Foam Rollers"

# SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: AIRAVAT Foam rollers are used for self-massage or self-myofascial release to release tension and knots in muscles and fascia. # VERSATILE: Foam rollers can be used on various parts of the body, such as the back, legs, arms, and neck. # PURPOSE: Foam rollers can be used for various purposes, including pre-workout warm-up, post-workout recovery, pain relief, and injury prevention. # BENEFITS: Foam rollers can improve flexibility, mobility, and range of motion, reduce muscle soreness and stiffness, and enhance relaxation and stress relief. # DURABILITY: Foam rollers are designed to withstand repeated use and maintain their shape and firmness over time. # Overall, AIRAVAT foam roller is great at providing joint mobility, flexibility and range of motion. Besides reducing muscle pain, it also relaxes and restores fascia. It has a commendable benefit of de-stressing and relaxing the muscles before and after workouts.
