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"Fruit Mixes"

Kiran watermelons typically range from small to medium in size, weighing between 2.5 to 4 kilograms, and feature a round to oval shape with blunt, curved ends. The watermelon's rind is characterized by its thin yet robust texture, offering a smooth and taut feel. The rind of the watermelon is smooth and taut, with a strong, stiff texture. It is thin. Along with its rich green color, the rind has undertones of emerald black. A thin stripe runs the entire length of the fruit. The rich red, saturated flesh is watery, crisp, and somewhat gritty beneath the surface, with a sensitive and juicy quality. Some black-brown seeds are also encased in the meat, or it may be discovered seedless. Kiran watermelons are sweet, light, and refreshing due to their high sugar content, which ranges from 12 to 14 Brix.
