2 results for

"Hair Care Sets"

Anti-Dandruff Shampoos: Primary Use: Climbazole is most commonly found in anti-dandruff shampoos. It effectively combats the fungus Malassezia, which is often associated with dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Mechanism: By inhibiting the growth of Malassezia, climbazole helps reduce flaking, itching, and scalp irritation. Conditioners and Scalp Treatments: Purpose: Beyond shampoos, climbazole is also incorporated into conditioners and leave-in scalp treatments to provide ongoing protection against dandruff and fungal infections. Benefit: These formulations help maintain a healthy scalp environment, preventing the recurrence of dandruff. Skin Care Products: Usage: Climbazole is sometimes included in skin care products aimed at treating fungal infections or conditions like pityriasis versicolor. Effectiveness: Its antifungal properties help in reducing symptoms and preventing the spread of fungal skin infections.

2550.00 2650.00

Sunscreen: OMC is commonly used in sunscreens due to its ability to absorb UV-B rays, which are responsible for causing sunburn and skin damage. It helps protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation, reducing the risk of skin cancer and premature aging. Moisturizers: OMC is sometimes included in moisturizers and facial creams that offer sun protection. Its UV-filtering properties help protect the skin from sun damage while providing hydration and nourishment. Lip Balms: Lip balms and lipsticks often contain OMC to protect the delicate skin on the lips from UV radiation. This helps prevent sunburn and chapping, keeping the lips soft and moisturized. Hair Care Products: OMC can also be found in hair care products like conditioners and styling products. It helps protect the hair from UV damage, which can cause dryness, brittleness, and color fading.

925.00 945.00